I’m Nina Milton, and this blog is all about getting out the laptop or the pen and pad to get writing. My blogposts are focused on advice and suggestions and news for writers, but also on a love reading with plenty of reviews, and a look at my pagan life, plus arts and culture. Get all my posts as they appear by becoming a subscriber. Click below right...

Sunday 30 August 2015

The Shaman Mysteries Discovers their Bounce!

Writing the Shaman Mysteries by Nina Milton

This week I am on the
 "Discover Your Bounce"
 Website Blog. 
They are featuring 
me as a writer, at the time they
 are also publishing their latest
 book about well-being…

As we’ve launched The Missing Piece in Bouncing Back this week, we asked fellow writer Nina Milton to share with us the inspiration behind her books, “The Shaman Mysteries” in this guest post!
 I am a druid; a pagan path which takes me close to the earth and into the deep recesses of my mind. Shamanic techniques help me in my life – in fact they changed my life...Click to read the full article on The Shaman Mysteries

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