I’m Nina Milton, and this blog is all about getting out the laptop or the pen and pad to get writing. My blogposts are focused on advice and suggestions and news for writers, but also on a love reading with plenty of reviews, and a look at my pagan life, plus arts and culture. Get all my posts as they appear by becoming a subscriber. Click below right...

Tuesday 19 January 2021

STARTING TO WRITE: Find Your Writing Guidance With an Easy Click

I'm Nina Milton, and this blog is all about pulling out the laptop or the pen and pad to get going with your writing. And then, keeping going with your writing...just as you always wanted to, but never quite managed. 

I've been writing crime fiction, children's books and prize-winning short stories for over a decade now. I'm a member of the Crime Writing Association, I hold an MA in Creative Writing,  I'm a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy andhave extensive experience in teaching creative writing and assessing at degree standard. I have written current course materials for the Open College of the Arts Degree Course in Creative Writing so if I can't help you, I'll probably know someone who can.

This week, I've been busy collating all my creative writing blogposts. It's been hard work, but at least it's heading for a storm outside so it took my mind off the weather! So now you can find the post that relates to YOUR writing problem or concern at the click of your mouse. In the past 10 years I have written about every writing topic from character and plot to pitching your novel and finding a writing soulmate. It's all there; have a browse through...and if you can't find the one writing subject you want to know more about...just contact me on my blog, below, or in an email (to the left of the home page). You can start right now, just click here…

The Kitchen table writers' Guide to Starting to Write; and Keeping Going.

Or go the the banner above the blogposts to click on the right page, where you will also see the route into other specialist pages, including my children's books, short story reads, and more about paganism, shamanism and druidry.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to do this Nina - saving!


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