Have you ever been in a bookshop or library and opened any book at any random page, then taken that book home with you on no other basis than what you read on that page? That's what the pg 99 test is all about, and it's not a bad rule of thumb for finding something new to read in a sea of books and authors.
Ford Madox Ford started this idea by saying "open the book to page ninety-nine and read, and the quality of the whole will be revealed to you."
I believe all writers must be curious about what happens when someone walks into a bookshop and opens their book at a random page. But it's a brave novelist that applies this test to their own books to see if their books willt stand up to incidental scrutiny.
I screwed my courage to the sticking-place and did the deed.
To find out what I discovered on page 99 of In the Moors, the first Shaman Mystery, follow the link:
Nina Milton's page 99 test to the Campaign for the American Reader.